
Friday, April 30, 2010

Evaluate Your Progress!!

If you are not measuring your performance,
you can't evaluate your Progress

Using the "Systems Approach" to Safety means you develop systems, assign responsibility, measure performance, recognize achievements, and hold everyone accountable.  If you are not measuring, then how can you determine if you are achieving your Goals and Objectives?  If you are not measuring, then how do you even know if what you are doing is even working to improve your safety process?

An effective procedure for tracking hazard correction is in place.

All hazards are tracked to completion, monitored for progress and posted on safety boards for all employees to see.  OR Make a spreadsheet or database to track all identified hazards to completion.  Some items may require budgeting and must be presented to the safety team to prioritize which ones will be fixed immediately and which need to be budgeted.  Always use some form of “interim protection” until the hazard can be fully and adequately corrected.  

Workplace injury/illness data are effectively analyzed.

Data trends are fully analyzed and displayed, common causes are communicated, management ensures prevention; and employees are fully aware of trends, causes and means of prevention.  OR  Review several years of injury or illness records to identify patterns that can help you devise strategies to improve your safety and health program. Periodically review several months of experience to determine if any new patterns are developing 

Hazard incidence data are effectively analyzed.

Hazard surveys, regular inspections, and other hazard incidence data are fully tracked,  analyzed, and displayed, common causes are communicated, management ensures prevention; and employees are fully aware of trends, causes and means of prevention.  OR  Review several years of hazard survey records, self inspection records, and other hazard reported data  records to identify patterns that can help you devise strategies to reduce and/or eliminate the hazards. Periodically review several months of experience to determine if any new patterns are developing.  (Employers who post all hazards, corrections, and responsibility for the corrections find that employees know about the hazards and continue to report hazards for correction)

A safety and health goal and supporting objectives exist.

Continue to develop annual Goals and Objectives to support the goals based on the annual review with both management and employee involvement and maintain an action plan to measure progress and hold everyone accountable.  Remember that SMART safety goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time Targeted! Review the Safety & Health Mgt. Recommendations included in this or previous reports to ensure they are included in your annual goals and objectives.   (I.e.-Implementation of a written housekeeping program to control potential for fugitive dust is recommended)  

An action plan designed to accomplish the organizations safety and health objectives are in place. 

Continue to develop your annual action plan which should include the specifics for your goals and objectives with assignment of responsibility and time targeted so that you can monitor progress. What get’s measured, gets done, so be sure to monitor progress throughout the year and hold everyone accountable for their part.

*A review of the overall safety and health management system is conducted at least annually.  

A comprehensive review is conducted at least annually and drives appropriate program modifications.  Continue to conduct an annual review of S/H Program to determine where you’ve been, where you are, and where you want to be.  This should include but is not limited to:  conducting a trend analysis of ALL work related injury/illness including near miss or first aid cases, identified hazards, work orders, ergonomic concerns, behavioral aspects, Current or pending regulations, the form 33, and air/noise monitoring or the need to conduct it.  (If this is effectively done, you would update your written Safety and Health Program to reflect findings and modifications)

Safety and health program tasks are each specifically assigned to a person or position for performance or coordination.

Let's say for example, some electrical and machine guarding hazards were found during the walk through.  No one was assigned specific responsibility to inspect for electrical hazards.  Assign specific responsibility for performing inspections of electrical and machine guarding hazards, so these hazards do not continue to go undetected.  (The intent is to assign specific safety tasks to specific individuals and to hold that individual accountable.  Such as inspections for the hazards found during the walk through)