
Friday, May 29, 2009

Safety Ambassador Program

What is a Safety Ambassador Program?

Implementing a Safety Ambassador Program will provide our company with a systematic approach to employee involvement in all of our safety activities.


The purpose of the Safety Ambassador Program is to facilitate employee involvement in the company's overall Safety System (Safety Management System).  The company recognizes that employee involvement is the key to a strong Safety System.  The company will designate certain employees as Safety Ambassadors who will provide assistance by identifying and eliminating hazards in the work area and to assist in the accident prevention program as part of the *Company* Safety System.


1)      General

a)      Safety information will be supplied on a regular basis.
b)      Safety problems and suggestions should normally be directed to the supervisor.  However, those items which need further consideration may be directed to the Safety Ambassador.
c)       The Safety Ambassador will conduct an Inspection/Observation weekly to identify hazards, with special emphasis on housekeeping and behavioral aspects.  Corrective action will be taken during the I/O.  Supervisors must be notified of findings and sign forms.  Forms must be submitted to the Safety Committee at the monthly committee meetings.
d)      Supervisors are responsible for selection of their Safety Ambassador.  Selection is with the concurrence of the Safety Director.
e)      Safety Ambassadors will serve on a rotation, to allow all employees the opportunity to become involved in our overall Safety Management Process.

2)      Duties and Qualifications of Safety Ambassadors

·         The Supervisors will be responsible for conducting training for the Safety Ambassadors.  This will include compliance issues, inspections/observations, problem solving, ergonomics, maintenance procedures, and behavioral risks. 
·         Safety/Health meetings will be held every month. 
·         The meetings will be held at company on the 4th Wednesday of every month from 12:00- 1:00 pm.
·      The purpose of the safety meetings will be to discuss Safety Goals/Objectives, Inspection/Observation findings, specific safety issues, to analyze accidents and near misses to determine root cause and corrective actions, to discuss safety training schedules and training needs, to discuss pending OSHA regulations/requirements.
·         The objective of a Safety Ambassador is to help identify & eliminate safety issues in the work area.  Ambassador’s activities will focus on housekeeping, employee behavioral aspects, physical conditions, monthly inspections/observations, and departmental safety meetings
·         Must set a high standard of safety by his/her work habits and practices
·         Must be acquainted with personnel and facilities in the areas he/she works
·         Must be physically capable, with a positive attitude to perform required skills
·         Must be alert, dependable and willing to help others
·         Will regularly attend scheduled Safety Ambassador meetings and/or Safety Committee Meetings
·         May bring to the meeting questions, problems, suggestions, new safety ideas/suggestions, etc. that may need the attention of, or will benefit, the entire group
·         Will assist supervisors in detecting unsafe conditions and actions at all times, not just when conducting the weekly I/O and will suggest needed safety improvements

Author:  Deborah Grow, Safety Specialist