
Saturday, December 11, 2004

Safety Management

Safety Management Process

Safety Program Elements
The Safety Management Process (SMP) contains four basic program elements and sub-elements within each of the four main elements to support the main element:
  1. Management Commitment and Employee Involvement
  2. Worksite Analysis
  3. Hazard Prevention/Control
  4. S&H Training
Management Commitment and Leadership and Employee Involvement
Management Commitment and Employee Involvement contains several sub elements: S&H Policy & Statement, Responsibility/Accountability, Goals/Objectives, Action Plan, S&H Team/Committee and employee involvement

Worksite Analysis
Worksite Analysis contains several sub elements: Baseline S&H Survey; hazard corrections, New or Changed Equipment/Process Evaluation Process, Job Safety-Hazard Analysis, Hazard Recognition, Employee Report of Hazards, Self Inspections, Accident-Near Miss-Close Call Investigations & Trend Analysis

Hazard Prevention and Control
Hazard Prevention/Control contains several sub elements: Engineering Controls, Basic Safety Rules, PPE, Positive Reinforcement Program, Discipline Policy, Return to work and Medical Management, Preventative Maintenance (PM), Emergency Drills, OSHA Compliance, and Visitor/Contractor Program, Near Miss investigations

Safety and Health Training and Education
S&H Training contains several sub elements: New Employee orientation and on the job training, Safety Ambassador training, Supervisor and Management training, Annual Training Schedule, Training records.
Develop annual Goals & Objectives to support your Safety Management Process based on an annual review with both management and employees.  Maintain an action plan to measure progress and hold everyone accountable. Remember that SMART safety goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time Targeted!

Author:  Deborah Grow, Safety Specialist
(21d) OSHA Consultation
Kansas Department of Labor Industrial Safety and Health