
Tuesday, September 30, 2003

6 Rules to Get Employees Motivated

Six Rules for Motivating Employees to Participate
Focus on the POSITIVE first and let the negatives will slowly disappear!
You must have Enthusiasm to Motivate employees to follow you!

  1. The Annual Goals, Objectives & Action Plan
If you include the employees in developing SMART goals and objectives, they will be more inclined to follow you because it was partly their idea

  1. People will go above and beyond expectations to be recognized for their efforts
People like to be recognized for what they do!  Don't you?  Link the recognition to what you are doing (safety activities like inspections, observations, toolbox safety talks, stepping up and taking initiative without being told to do something), not to what isn't happening.

  1. Participation + Recognition=Motivation to Excel
Managers and Supervisor must motivate everyone to participate in safety activities! Enthusiasm is contagious! Leadership is the ability of a single individual, through their actions to motivate others to a higher level of achievement! Recognition motivates people to do better and to exceed your expectation.  If your Managers or Supervisors can't motivate their employees, then maybe they aren't good Leaders.

  1. People don’t do what you EXPECT, they do what you INSPECT
Inspections should be done in EVERY area at least EVERY month-Identifying and correcting hazards will reduce or eliminate potential for an employee to have an injury.  If you are not finding hazards, you aren't looking very hard because they are there every single day!

  1. What gets measured gets done. What gets' recognized gets done well!
If you do not measure what you are doing to meet your goals, you have no idea if what you are doing even works!  Immediate recognition gets immediate results!!

  1. Don’t discipline for reporting”
Employees must be able to report hazards and close call/near miss without fear of reprisal.  If you discipline them for reporting, they will not tell you the next time and hazards will exist that could cause a more serious accident the next time.  Eventually, there will be a next time! If you Employees are encouraged to report hazards or near miss incidents, then you can investigate and reduce potential for more serious injuries But with a twist-"REPORT".


Author:  Deborah Grow, Safety Specialist
(21d) OSHA Consultation
Kansas Department of Labor Industrial Safety and Health